Earn a Respected, Transferable Certification in Age-Specific Childcare Essentials.
The reality is that childcare is essential; it isn’t an option. Whether it’s us, a partner, a family member, or a hired caregiver, someone must be responsible for our children’s well-being. We require licenses or certifications for everything from a driver’s license to massage therapy to fixing a drain and teaching, and yet when it comes to childcare—the cornerstone of our kids’ safety and development—there’s very little regulated support.
Wouldn’t it make sense to have a foundational, evidence-based curriculum for anyone caring for kids? Shared, accessible knowledge around child development, safety, and wellness could be game-changing for parents and caregivers alike, helping everyone feel more confident, informed, and prepared. A certification standard for caregivers would mean we don’t have to rely on luck or assumptions; instead, we’d have a reliable framework, with data, to help us support our children develop into strong, healthy, confident and resilient leaders.