A devoted mother of two, Jennifer Lythcott is a passionate social entrepreneur and international connector with over fifteen years of experience in philanthropy and social impact. She has spearheaded transformative initiatives for prestigious organizations like the Lance Armstrong Foundation, Children’s Defense Fund, and the Gates Foundation. Recently, she directed partnerships at ICON EMBA, an innovative learning program at the University of Miami that empowers artists and athletes. Her previous roles include Chief of Staff at MCN Foundation and Philanthropic Strategist at MCN Healthcare. After postgraduate studies, Jennifer founded dgdw worldwide, a consulting firm focused on helping philanthropists and nonprofits create lasting change. With a strong background in business development, advocacy, and coalition-building, she brings invaluable expertise to From Birth. Holding a Bachelor's degree in Economics and International Relations from American University and an MBA from the Monterey Institute, Jennifer is also conversational in French, Spanish, Arabic, and Mandarin. Currently, she lives in Brooklyn, New York, with her husband, Michael, and their children.